Have you ever felt something so strongly that you just KNEW it was about to happen?  Have you ever had daily confirmations and hope and anticipation for something to come.  It’s like a mother about to give birth in her 9th month. It’s inevitable. It’s coming. It’s almost there, and yet I am sure to the full term pregnant mother, the birthing day feels forever away.  I feel I am in this season of knowing something is coming, but the details and the how and when are unknown and so far from me.  

I keep thinking of Abraham.  He knew G*d promised him a son. He believed that, but the when and how he didn’t know, and it was out of his hands.  In Abraham’s humanness he tried to figure life out and had a baby with his slave.  But this was not the promise. This was not what the Father had intended.  I am sure waiting for the promise felt incredibly stupid at times, and hopeless, and yet we know that the Word also says Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness.  This gives me hope, that even in Abraham’s fleshiness and doubt and sin, that as he kept on trusting- the Father brought redemption and gives him a son and then calls him righteous.  

I have days that I feel like a fool.  I have days filled with doubt and wanting to use self-effort to figure out my life and plans.  Like Abraham I am fleshy, but oh how thankful I am for a gracious Father that gives me grace, and hope, and confidence, and allows me to see Him at work and know His plans never fail.  The future may be unknown, but it is certain in Je$us Chri$t.  Please pray with me that I would remain confident in the Father and ALL He is calling me to pray for and believe in for the future, for me and for India.  He has plans I can’t even begin to dream or imagine about. One thing is certain, it’s going to be incredible!


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