A Little Excitement & Something to be Thankful About

Today we had a beautiful worship service at chur*h. I was so happy to be back home to India and enjoying the fellowship of worship with my Indian brothers and sisters.  At the end of chu*ch my Pa$tor came to me and said they were bringing a women who was having attacks from evil spirits.  She and her husband were not believers. We have been joining their extended family to pray for their $alvation for some time.  I teach kids chu*ch sometimes and I have had the privilege of praying with this women’s children to accept the Son in the past. 

When the women walked in the room a hush fell over the crowd as it was clear she was possessed. Her eyes were rolling back in her head and she could barely walk.  We all began to pray and declare the L*rdship of Je$us and His power and love. Mostly only tongues came to my mouth, as I sought the L*rd for her freedom and direction in how to even pray. I am thankful for the Spirit and how He truly does lead us even when we are unsure what to say.  The woman “U” began to roll around, seizing on the ground, unable to control her body, and the typical scene of what you might think a deliverance would look like played out. I had never experienced this type of deliverance; I have only ever experiences peaceful deliverances that didn’t make a scene. I helped to hold her head so she wouldn’t hurt herself, while others held her legs and arms and body.  As we continued to command the spirit out and tell it to go and declare the Lo$dship of JeSus in her life, she began to lay still.  We continued praying and worshiping over her.  I noticed her children across the room. I saw the fear in their eyes as they watched their mother.  I went and sat with them, comforted them and spoke truth over them.  I ensured them that Je$us was higher than all other gods, and that this would end and their mother would be okay.   

After some time, she was able to sit up and coherently have a conversation again.  My paStor sat and spoke truth over her  explaining about Je$us and the power of the cross.  He explained forgiveness of sin, and the freedom we have over the demonic because of Je$us.  U and her husband both prayed the $inner’s prayer today and accepted Chr*st.  Now that is something to be thankful about!  He makes all things work together for our good.  His love never fails.  Praise the Lo*d!  May the word spread, and may many come to know Je$us through this couple and their family.   This family owns a restaurant along a main road here in the mountains.  Pray G*d would use them powerfully to share truth with all that come through their shop, and that they would grow in their love and faith in the L*rd!  As we say here “Jai Ma$iki”  which means Praise the L*rd!


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