New Requests

I am looking into the new year with anticipation.  Here are some things you can join me in seeking the Father about:

1. A private space to rent and use for counseling & community classes. I am thinking of starting some women's trauma group counseling/classes, as well as a Seeking Safety class, along with individual counseling as the doors open. A private, affordable, and safe place for people to come is needed. 

2. I plan to go to two strategic villages each week to do story telling and develop relationships. I am praying about who my companion should be.  I have a few options, but want THE person the Father has in mind. I am seeking and asking Him for discernment as who to ask to join me.  I know the Father sent His men out 2 by 2 and I want to follow this principle as well. 

3.  There are a few people I am looking to start di$cipleship talks with in the next few months. Please pr*y for words and wisdom as I approach them on this topic.  Pr8 the Father helps us to work out a time and a schedule that can work for both of us. May He take us all deeper in knowing Him this year.

4.  Each week I set apart a day for pr*yer and fasting.  On this day, I am seeking for revelation and breakthrough for this country and the plans the Father has to reach them.  I am asking specifically for words, miracles, and the supernatural to draw the lost to Him. 

5. As always there is a list of people that I am talking with and pr*ying over.  Join me in asking the Father to continue to woo their hearts and draw him unto them.  The list grows each week, and I am thankful for the many opportunities to meet new people and share the great love of the Father G*d.

Pr*yer is effective and powerful. It really does MOVE the MOUNTAIN! I am thankful to have you standing with me!


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