A Ram Caught in the Thicket

I feel there is a season of shifting taking place all around, around me, and around those I know.  A season of hardship and people who are struggling, and yet a shift towards new things.  He says “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world.”  I think sometimes we plan and plan and plan and in the end it was meaningless. It makes me think of Ecclesiastes.   We think we know something and we are set in our ways and plans and then something happens and it is a surprise to us.  Nothing is a surprise to G*D and I thank G*D for that.  I was suppose to move this past Monday to a new house in the same city.  I had many hesitations, but had agreed to move. I arrived back to India late Sunday afternoon, packed my entire house into bags and boxes, and I was ready to move out. I went to pick up the keys  the next day at the new house and felt absolutely no peace. All the sudden what I thought I knew and was going to do, what I thought I had prayed about and had peace about was changing.  I hadn’t had peace all along.  It wasn’t really something I wanted to do, but felt I was suppose to do.  I felt I had heard G*d on the matter. 

I left the house, and I immediately went to meet with a mentor to talk and pray about what to do.  I knew this wasn’t what I was to do.  I knew this decision to change my mind and not move meant unpacking all I had just packed up; it meant negotiating rent to stay where I was again; it meant letting down the girl I was suppose to live with, and causing hardship for her.  But I knew I wasn’t’ suppose to move. I questioned, “G*d why would you allow me to make this decision, tell this other roommate yes, only to not move and let her down?  G*d did I not hear you right the first time, when you said to move?”  And as clear as day I felt the Lord say, “You heard me right!  This was a test.  I wanted to see that you would trust me and submit even to the point of having every box packed and the new keys in your hand.  I wanted to see your submission to me again.  Like Abraham with Isaac I waited until the knife was raised to stop Abraham and show him the ram caught it the thicket. I knew the outcome, but more than me wanting to see your submission, I wanted you to see your submission.  It’s worth every cost to trust and obey me.  It’s worth it.  You can trust me and I will lead you.”

I think G*d is taking believers out of our comfort zone. He is shifting things and changing things, and many people are going through trails or hardships.  Why? Because we are in bootcamp! He is preparing us for what is to come.  We have to be ready to endure. Ready to listen and obey despite the cost.  We have to be willing to submit and lay it all down, to lay down what we want, or think is good, and to be ever listening to His leading and spirit. I am learning!  I might dare to say I think my muscles are getting stronger with each test.  I pray the Father helps me and tunes my spirit more and more to His.

I met with the “new” roommate to tell her I wouldn’t be moving.  This was of course was frustrating for her and leaves her in a bind to find someone new to live with.  Pray with me that G*d would bless her in this transition and that she too would hear and know all G*d is wanting her to know.  This didn’t surprise Him.  Just as G*d provided the ram for me, I am sure He has one for her too!  His timing, His plans, His will accomplished in all things- This is what I ask for.

Confirmation: The day I decided to stay put in my little home, my landlord came and lowered the rent, as well as agreed to another year lease.  My neighbor “R” who I have been sharing with came in with a huge smile.  She was so happy I was staying, and we were able to sit and talk.  I sang worship songs with her and shared my gratitude to G*d for letting me stay in this little place I call home.  When I moved here, the Lord told me He sent me to this specific house for the neighbor “R”.  His work here and with her is not yet done.  Please continue to pray with me for opportunities to share boldly and openly about the love of Je$us with R and her 2 boys. God wants their hearts. I am blessed to be able to stay in this house, and thankful for the lesson of trusting no matter the cost.  May my faith grow deeper and deeper as I submit and obey.


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