My Father is at Work

I am lying in bed with no power and food poising. The last 15 hours have been a little rough.  Sometimes I think God allows us to be completely taken out to just meet with HIM.  As I lay in my bed, I reflected on all the Father has done in the last week. It’s been a very busy, but blessed week.  My spirit is truly excited at all He is doing.

I met a new young lady, and we have been able to connect quickly and go deep.  Her father pasted away 10 years ago and she shared about some anger issues she has as a result.  I am asking the Father G*d to help navigate our conversations, and that in time “Star” would be able to be free of the anger and trust the Father more and more.

One women “Tina” and I have been seeing each other more often.  Tina has shared many things with me in the past, but this week our conversations went to another level.  Her husband has been cheating on her for years. He is an alcoholic, and he is not a believer.  We have been praying for him since I met her.  Much of her life is hard and she is left to make ends meet doing any work she can find, and trying to take care of their 2 children.  This week Tina shared about the pain and hurt her marriage has caused, but also of the hope she knows is possible in JC.  She said that as we have been praying together, she is seeing changes in her husband.  This week he spent the entire week with their family, was loving and caring, and shared his love in verbal words for the first time in a long time. He told his wife he was sorry for cheating on her, and wants to change. Tina and I talked about redemption and the Divine Exchange that is available for us as is discussed in Is. 61. -Beauty for Ashes and Praise instead of a Garment of Despair.  I was able to share with her my testimony and the deep pain, depression, and abuse I endured as a child, as well as the genuine and real transformation that came as JC healed my heart and mind.  Tina opened up sharing more of her own story about abuse and trauma as a child, by her brothers and other random men that took advantage of her as her Father watched on and did nothing to stop it. I love that G*d is a G*d of Redemption, and nothing is too hard for us.  I love that He already bore our shame, and guilt, and pain, and sorrows, and tells us we don’t have to carry them anymore.  I love that He can reveal truth to our broken hearts and in a moment, pain we have carried for years can be washed away and removed.  He truly is a miracle working Father.  Pray with me that as these truths are shared with Tina and others, they it wouldn’t just be words, but life transformation for their spirits and souls and mind, as well as those in their family.

I have started doing weekly treks out to two villages.  This week I visited one village for the 5th time.  We have been able to pray with the villagers and tell stories from the Big Book in the past. The doors were open again, and we shared with one little aunty and her family.  She and her husband have been very weak and sick for some time.  Our prayer for this little aunty was that as she takes one step in front of the other, she would feel the One True G*d strengthening her muscles and bones and allowing her to grow stronger and be healed.

After meeting the aunty, we went to another home, where we met a young man who is very much searching.  As we shared the story of Blind Bartimaeus, he asked us if this was a story about the power of Je$uS.  He said he has heard some other stories and wanted to know more.  I will return next week with a Big Book for him, and I am also in the process of connecting him with another man who does discipleship.   Please ask with me that “Ran” would come to know the King.

Lastly, in the village we visited a school where we have done work before. The kids were excited to see us again, and remembered some of the songs we had taught them in the past.  It was precious to hear their little voices sing the songs of truth.  I shared about how G*d is all around us, and He is always with us. I asked the kids to ask the Father to reveal himself to them in a way that they can know He is real.  I told them I believe the Father wants them to experience His presence and care. When I return again, I told the kids I am expecting to hear stories of how they have experienced G*d.  Join me in asking that the sick woman and her husband, that Ran, and the kids and others we talked to in the village would truly EXEPERIENCE G*d, that they would have dreams and visions and search for him with all their hearts.  Ask with me that we would have continued open doors and more opportunities to share truth.

On a personal note, I tend to get sick easily when I eat or drink chai in the villages and out in certain families’ homes where they don’t use filtered water. Please pray for health and wellness and protection against parasites and infections.  I try to avoid this at all costs when I can; at times there is no options.  Please ask for wisdom and discernment where needed and supernatural health to carry out the plans the Father calls me to.  Today, as I rest and recuperate I praise the Father for all He is doing, IN me, and THROUGH me. What a privilege to be here!


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