His Timing

G*d is a G*d of strategy.  I woke up one morning after dreaming about and remembering a day I had lied to a boss about 10 years ago.  I was so disturbed.  I was being reminded of my utter need to repent of things, past or current, that I might be able to stand before the L*rd in righteousness on the day He takes account.

Later that day, I happened to walk by a shop of a woman I know. I entered in and sat down to catch up; as I did I caught the women’s eyes with my gaze as she hurried around the shop.  I could see she wasn’t okay. As I inquired, she shared that just that day they were told they had to leave the property they were living on and move.  They had been giving a warning before, but the day was up and today was the day to move.  Her time was up. She cried unsure of how things would work out and where to go.  Knowing more of the details behind the story, I asked her questions about her anger at her current landlord.  It seemed as though everyone else who was required to move from the property had found beautiful and amazing new homes within their budget.  This family had struggled and was angry and bitter, and the feelings went deep and much farther into the past.  As we talked, I explained how anger and un-forgiveness can keep us bound, and stuck, and unable to hear the voice of G*d at times. I was able to very lovingly but in truth state that their family’s anger and resentment might actually be keeping them from moving forward into the new home they are suppose to be in.  We prayed together and talked about the commandment to forgive as we have been forgiven, and to not play judge, but allow G*d to be judge over all things. 

I think the only reason I was able to speak truth so openly and boldly is because G*d had just dealt with me on my own sins. His timing is impeccable. Sometimes, we don’t like the truth.  Sometimes, we don’t want to hear it. Sometimes we don’t want to admit where we are wrong.  But it will move mountains as we accept the truth and walk in the light with Je$us.  Pray with me for this woman “Glory” and her family, as well as myself, that G*d would keep us pure before Him, show us where we are wrong, and lead us to the cross where needed that we can walk in His grace and righteousness all the days of our life.


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