On the Verge of Something Grand

Breakthrough!  It’s happening everywhere I look it seems. I have been meeting with a woman, B, for some time. She has been someone the Father laid on my heart from the first moth I arrived.  You may remember her initial from other times I have asked for prayer for her. We have been meeting the past 5 months to intentionally seek God together and grow in our relationship with Him. B says she senses peace when she meets with my friend and I, and she always says she can’t wait to come back the next week.  While we discuss scripture and things we feel God is speaking to us, B often says she doesn’t hear God speak to her. You see, B is not yet a follower of JC, but she does believe in Him. 

Recently, she has been “testing out” the name of JC, as we have talked to her about the power in His name alone. She believes all gods are one. (Shiv, Bugvan, all the other millions of Hindu gods, and JC are all the same to her.) We have had very pointed conversations with her that we believe only in JC and that we believe no other god can help her.  Last week, I felt it was the time to give her a Big Book. I told her that every word in the book is true and from God. I explained that she can pray these verses and read these verses as she seeks for truth and wisdom. As I handed her the book, her eyes filled with tears. I told her I would be praying for her and her family as they have been facing some very serious and hard times. B said, “I know you will pray, but now (with this book) I can too!”  In her spirit, I know B knows JC is the only way. She explained recently that she couldn’t con*vert to Chr!$tianity because she believed it would mean giving up her culture and all her family traditions.  She explained the ridicule she would face if she chose to only follow JC. 

I know B has been contemplating what it means to follow JC and choose Him alone.  Please join me in interceding for B that as she “tests out” the name of JC and prays to Him that she would find POWER in His name alone.  Pray with me that B would not be overcome with fear, but would be bold to choose JC even when that means persecution and rejection by her family and friends. Please pray that my friend and I would have wisdom to help B navigate what it means to be a follower of JC alone, and yet live in her culture and honor her family and husband who are strict H!ndus.  B is on the verge of something grand; more than she could ever think or imagine. Pray B finds breakthrough this week in JC alone!


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