
Showing posts from February, 2016

Full Circle

Today (posted 2/13/16, but had complications posting) was a very busy day filled with friends, work, and a whole lot of encouragement. I had a friend stay over last night; this is a friend I have been walking with in her journey to faith. We began the day talking to the Father and singing "Give Me Faith". I am always encouraged as new friends take steps to go deeper in getting to know the Father. I am also reminded of my own need to press in and allow him to fill me with faith. "Not I, But You, Father".  
I was able to share with this Universalist about the reality that there is only ONE G*d, and no other.  That Je$us alone leads to true healing and hope. While she is still on a journey to accepting this truth, each day it seems to become more and more a reality for her.  As she seeks the Father, He is revealing himself to her.  He is so faithful.  We have been discussing the fact that when we seek Him with all our hearts He will be found. (Jer. 29:13-14) Th

My Father is at Work

I am lying in bed with no power and food poising. The last 15 hours have been a little rough.  Sometimes I think God allows us to be completely taken out to just meet with HIM.  As I lay in my bed, I reflected on all the Father has done in the last week. It’s been a very busy, but blessed week.  My spirit is truly excited at all He is doing. I met a new young lady, and we have been able to connect quickly and go deep.   Her father pasted away 10 years ago and she shared about some anger issues she has as a result.   I am asking the Father G*d to help navigate our conversations, and that in time “Star” would be able to be free of the anger and trust the Father more and more. One women “Tina” and I have been seeing each other more often.   Tina has shared many things with me in the past, but this week our conversations went to another level.   Her husband has been cheating on her for years. He is an alcoholic, and he is not a believer.   We have been praying for him since I met


Have you ever felt something so strongly that you just KNEW it was about to happen?  Have you ever had daily confirmations and hope and anticipation for something to come.  It’s like a mother about to give birth in her 9 th month. It’s inevitable. It’s coming. It’s almost there, and yet I am sure to the full term pregnant mother, the birthing day feels forever away.  I feel I am in this season of knowing something is coming, but the details and the how and when are unknown and so far from me.   I keep thinking of Abraham.  He knew G*d promised him a son. He believed that, but the when and how he didn’t know, and it was out of his hands.  In Abraham’s humanness he tried to figure life out and had a baby with his slave.  But this was not the promise. This was not what the Father had intended.  I am sure waiting for the promise felt incredibly stupid at times, and hopeless, and yet we know that the Word also says Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness.  This gives me h

His Timing

G*d is a G*d of strategy.  I woke up one morning after dreaming about and remembering a day I had lied to a boss about 10 years ago.  I was so disturbed.  I was being reminded of my utter need to repent of things, past or current, that I might be able to stand before the L*rd in righteousness on the day He takes account. Later that day, I happened to walk by a shop of a woman I know. I entered in and sat down to catch up; as I did I caught the women’s eyes with my gaze as she hurried around the shop.   I could see she wasn’t okay. As I inquired, she shared that just that day they were told they had to leave the property they were living on and move.   They had been giving a warning before, but the day was up and today was the day to move.   Her time was up. She cried unsure of how things would work out and where to go.   Knowing more of the details behind the story, I asked her questions about her anger at her current landlord.   It seemed as though everyone else who was required

New Requests

I am looking into the new year with anticipation.  Here are some things you can join me in seeking the Father about: 1. A private space to rent and use for counseling & community classes. I am thinking of starting some women's trauma group counseling/classes, as well as a Seeking Safety class, along with individual counseling as the doors open. A private, affordable, and safe place for people to come is needed.  2. I plan to go to two strategic villages each week to do story telling and develop relationships. I am praying about who my companion should be.  I have a few options, but want THE person the Father has in mind. I am seeking and asking Him for discernment as who to ask to join me.  I know the Father sent His men out 2 by 2 and I want to follow this principle as well.  3.  There are a few people I am looking to start di$cipleship talks with in the next few months. Please pr*y for words and wisdom as I approach them on this topic.  Pr8 the Father helps us to work

Mera Bhahin- "My sister"

Some of you had been asking the Father with me for my sister Nishi.  She had leg surgery recently to repair a physical disability she was born with that caused her to not be able to walk. I had been visiting their family on a regular basis and praying with them for her healing and recovery.  While I was in the States, my prayer was that when I got home her leg would be recovered enough for her to get out of the bed and walk and that this healing would be a testament to the power of G*d and would lead their family closer to $alvation and putting their trust in the one True G*d. I went to visit my family this week and sure enough Nishi was able to not only stand, but walk.  A huge smile covered her face.  I shared how I had been praying for this while I was home in the States.  My "mother" burst into tears.  She was blessed to hear I had been praying and care so much for their family.  She buried her head deep into my shoulder and cried and cried.  I praised G*d publicly

A Little Excitement & Something to be Thankful About

Today we had a beautiful worship service at chur*h. I was so happy to be back home to India and enjoying the fellowship of worship with my Indian brothers and sisters.  At the end of chu*ch my Pa$tor came to me and said they were bringing a women who was having attacks from evil spirits.  She and her husband were not believers. We have been joining their extended family to pray for their $alvation for some time.  I teach kids chu*ch sometimes and I have had the privilege of praying with this women’s children to accept the Son in the past.  When the women walked in the room a hush fell over the crowd as it was clear she was possessed. Her eyes were rolling back in her head and she could barely walk.   We all began to pray and declare the L*rdship of Je$us and His power and love. Mostly only tongues came to my mouth, as I sought the L*rd for her freedom and direction in how to even pray. I am thankful for the Spirit and how He truly does lead us even when we are unsure what to sa