Waiting for a Husband & Lessons Learned here in India

For “all the single ladies”…(can you hear the music playing?)  This post is for you.

It’s no surprise to anyone that I am waiting for my husband to be married. Here in India, I have a blaring reminder that I am 33 and still single and unmarried.  Everywhere I go, almost daily, people ask me, “Are you married?”  Which is immediately followed by the next question, “Why aren’t you married?”  I wish I had an answer for them.  They often ask me, “don’t you want to get married?”  They remind me that I am getting old and if I don’t have kids soon I might not be able to.  They tell me many things I already know. They give me their advice and tell me how to find a good husband.  I find their advise somewhat humorous in a culture that has arranged marriages, and most of the women speaking to me have never had a love marriage in which they got to decide who they wanted to marry or use any of the “helpful” advice they are giving to me.

Sometimes the waiting and questions of others, and wondering of my own mind could get to me, but usually I just have peace and complete confidence in knowing the Father is preparing someone for me and in His time we will come together.  I met one young girl and we talked about marriage.  She simply said, “My father will arrange it for me!”  That was it. It was a plain and simple and carefree statement.  She trusts her father and knows he will make a wise choice for her.  She trusts in her Father’s character to pick someone who will love her and care for her and provide for her.  She trusts her father to know the right timing.  She was so at peace with knowing her father was going to arrange her marriage; she said she had no preferences and no opinions on the matter.  It was just very simple, “my father will decide.”

I have thought of my conversation with this young lady many times since then.  I know I have a good Father as well who is orchestrating and planning and arranging my future. He knows the plans He has for me, plans for a hope and a future, and I know I can trust in HIM.  Plain and simple, I can say, “My father will arrange my marriage! - The time, the place, the person”.  I can trust in Him.  My Father has someone in mind for me, and I can wait patiently, completely confident in his choice for me.

The Father has also reminded me of the imagery and foreshadowing of His Son coming again as the Bridegroom.  The bride can hardly wait for the groom and for the marriage; the groom also.  They are excited and anticipating the day for marriage. They are preparing for one another.  The Father knows the best day and time and hour for them to meet and the wedding banquet to take place.  He knows and the bride and groom can confidently trust in His character, choice, and timing.

I have felt the Father tell me marriage is coming. I feel that is a promise for me.  I have felt He has told me to remain a servant girl at His feet, waiting upon Him and trusting Him. He will do it. He will arrange it.  All I have to do is trust in Him.  I don’t come from a culture that has arranged marriages, but I have decided I will have an arranged marriage. I choose to trust my Heavenly Father to decide for me.  As I wait, a servant at His feet, I feel the anticipation and heartthrob the Son himself must feel as He awaits all of mankind to come meet with Him at the Wedding Feast.  I think He, like me, can hardly wait!  It's coming!


  1. Isn't that the same in Every part of our life! His provision is so awesome and our own pitiful efforts can really block His will and plan!


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