Health Update

I am thankful for the many notes, messages, prayers, and care over the past few weeks. Yesterday marked one month since being admitted to the hospital in India. I have had some really rough days, but I have seen the grace of God and incredible improvements in the last week. My blood pressure seems to be finding some stability on the medication I am taking, and is no longer dropping. My pulse rate continues to fluctuate and symptoms come and go throughout the day. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or rhyme to when this happens right now. Some days I can stand and walk without much difficulty, while other days bring faintness and heart palpitations. The doctor said this is all normal with this syndrome. Our hope and prayer is that within the next month, I will continue to see even more stability with my pulse as well as my blood pressure. The good news is I am much stronger than I was when I first left the hospital and returned home. I am able to walk without help, and yesterday I even went for a mini walk outside. This is a huge answer to prayer. I am hopeful and confident of God's complete healing power and His great wisdom as to the perfect timing of my return to India. 

Thank you for your continue prayers in this season.


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