Prayer- What Would You Ask For?

God is forever faithful. There is a quote by Tim Keller that says, “God will only give you what you would have asked for if  you knew everything he knows.”  I love this quote.  Sometimes people take that verse “He gives you the desires of your heart” out of context. It’s not that God just gives us whatever we ask for, but it’s that when our hearts are aligned with His and seeking His true heart and goodness, that of course he will answer and give us what we ask for.  When we want his will and purposes more than our own desires and wants, than he can’t help but fulfill our requests.

Recently, the lady who comes to my small group discipleship meeting on Saturdays asked me how to pray to God.  She said she thought God answered my prayers because I was a good person.  She went on to say that she didn’t really know how to pray or hear from God. This woman is still a Hind*u believer and though she believes in JC, she hasn’t yet chosen him as the ONE and ONLY God.  She is in a process of discovering who He is.  We talked about how to pray, how to listen, and what the Big Book has to say about prayer.  This Saturday, we will continue our talk on prayer.  Please ask the Father with me that B will try praying on her own, that she will ask him questions, learn to hear his voice, and come to know we serve a God that listens and bows down to hear her pleas.

Today began the 40 days of Rama*dan. Mu$lims all over India and throughout the world are praying and fasting from sunrise to sunset. They don’t eat or drink anything during this time as they focuses on seeking Al*ah for forgiveness, guidance, and purification in their lives.  As I write this blog, the loud speaker shouts the Call to Prayer and it echoes across the valley and over the mountains.  My prayer is that as my Mu$lim friends here and so many around this world press into this spiritual time of prayer that their prayers would be heard by THE all-knowing God, and that He would bend down and listen. I am asking that JC would open their ears to hear Him and their eyes to see Him as the Son of God. I am asking that this Rama*dan would be like no other.  I am asking that Mu$lims would come away changed people having met the Father and learned of His Son; that they would give their lives to Him and become a new creation in JC.

Join me in praying for B and Mu$lims in India to come to know the Father and learn the power of prayer. If you knew all the Father knew, what would you ask for?


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