Ashish Means "Blessing"

In the last few weeks I have observed a dear friend and family live out the Father's love before my eyes. There is a boys home where I live and boys from all over the country come to live and go to school here. Most of them come from families with very limited incomes or where death has taken one or both of their parents. Some come from abusive families and backgrounds.  All come because this boy's hostel offers a better future, an education, love, hope, and a family to care for them.  One boy has no family outside of his adopted hostel family. On holidays when the other boys go "home" for a few weeks, he stay back with his adoptive hostel parents.  I am not sure how he ended up int he care of my friend Ashish, but he has lived at the home since he was just a very little boy.  Now a teenager, he is struggling to process the abuse and horror he experienced as a child. He was sexually abused as a very young boy.  Recently, he acted out for the second time attempting to abuse the 3 year old daughter of one of the hostel parent's.  

We know hurt people hurt others without help and healing.  We know our Father can heal this boy's heart!  The day I was informed of this unfortunate event, my friend Ashish just wept.  He wept and wept, unable to hold back the pain his heart felt. He said, "This boy is like my own! I have raised him. I keep thinking how would I treat him if he was my own son?"

I felt Ashish's heart that day. And I am confident Ashish felt the True Father's heart that day.  Days later I as reflecting and couldn't help but better understand our Heavenly Father through this circumstance. 

He is grieved when His children are hurt.
He is grieved when His children sin.
He loves them so.
He gives much grace.
He forgives.
He longs to heal their hearts.
He can't help but see His children, but as His own precious and flawless Son.
He views us in comparison and relation to His very own flesh and blood.

This is how Ashish viewed the boy from the hostel, but this is also how our heavenly Father views us.

What love the Heavenly Father has lavished on us, that we should be called His sons and daughters? Though this situation is messy and difficult and will take time to heal. I am encouraged in the truth and love I see being displayed. I see Ashish living out his name- blessing this boy with not only his love, but the Father's love.  It is through this love, care, and grace that this boy will have a chance to know, really know the love, healing, freedom, and forgiveness founded in the heavenly Father. It is through this circumstance that those in our body here will be reminded that we have a good, good Father.  It is through this situation that I am reminded names carry weight and meaning.

Ashish means "blessing".

Father God- His name carries weight that means: L*rd, $overeign, Power, Healing, Blessing, Hope, Life, Wellness, Forgiveness, Peace, and more.

The boy from the hostel, his name means "Reason".

Today, my prayer is that through this, yes even this situation, that the hostel boy would know he has "reason" and purpose for being born and that the Father loves him.  My prayer for you, my friends and supporters, is that today whatever you are going through that you can say, "through this, yes even this, God, I see you!  That you can declare even in your circumstances, "What love is this the Father has lavished on me?"


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