The Time is Now

Dad is opening so many incredible doors, even where I am not seeking or looking, the doors seem to be flinging wide open. Open conversations and opportunities are almost daily being presented. Time to share my story of receiving life and Dad’s work in me.  Time for requesting help from the Father with those in need.  It’s incredible. 

Last week I had the opportunity to visit 3 different people who were sick and ask for healing. I asked my Hindi tutor to help me learn a few new phrases that would help me to talk to Dad with others.  Just after leaving my tutor while walking on the road, a random stranger stopped me, told me she was in pain, and we were able to ask the Father for healing together.

Some days as I walk down the street I am reminded that there are so many here that although Dad has opened the doors for conversation and sharing my heart and trust in the King, STILL they are dying and going to the pit. I am reminded, they still don’t know Him, and if they die today they won’t meet the One.  I am grieved when this thought becomes my reality afresh. I am reminded of the desperate need and the timing of NOW.  NOW is the time. I am reminded that it doesn’t matter how many friends I have made or the closeness of our connection if they haven’t met the Father and don’t have a relationship with HIM!
*I have been able to make friends with international students from all over the world who are at the same Language school as I.  What an amazing opportunity.  A group came to my house for dinner and I got to talk about the Father.
*One women “P” I have been reaching out to, introduced me to a group of her friends this week as well. We all got to talk about the healing Dad is capable of.
*Nepali road workers and their children are becoming my friends. Each day that I walk past them on the road doing work, we share a few lines of communication, and smile and nod.  They came for chai last week and we got to talk more in depth. They came again for dinner last night. Dad is slowly opening doors.  As they shared their surprise in my willingness to host them and care for them because of their status as road workers, I got to share that I believe *Dad loves all people and sees no difference in us.  I got to share that it was my joy and honor to host them.


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