
I got to visit Kolkata recently.  Kolkata was like breathing again to be in that city! I love Kolkata so much! I got to go to the girls home and see Ambika the lady I worked with for a few months in 2009, as well as to see some of the ladies. It was so great. Some of the ladies I worked with in the past in the red light district were now working in the vocational unit, a place where they now make bags and blankets that are sold to provide their income. I was asked to share a devotional that day, and it was just such a refreshing blessing.  Some of the ladies I remember meeting in the past in the Brothels, some of them their daughters in the home of hope.  One women, I remembered immediately and almost began crying. 

She, her mother, and youngest daughter were in the brothels the first time I met her in 2004.  Her older 3 daughters had recently moved and were in the safe home. This was the year the Father spoke to me and asked me to give money to an older women and a toddler in need for groceries. They had touched my heart each day I saw them and when the Father asked, I slipped some money in the women’s hand. Little did I know it was the same grandma to the little girls that I had been working with in the home. Over my time in 2004 I came to know the little toddler’s name was “Mahima” which means glory. I left that year pr*ying for her rescue and ability to one day live in the home with her sisters.  In 2007, I came again to Home of Hope and got to work with her sisters and found Mahima had been taken out of the Red Light District and was growing and doing well in her new safe environment. I have continued to pr*y for their mom and family. This year, 2015, I came to see their mom again thriving and doing well in HER new environment. She has been working for a few years now in the vocational unit. She is out, free of her life in the brothels. Thriving and doing well. She worshipped the King with us and sang and I sat in awe of what the Father can do.  It takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight, but here I was sitting watching generations of a family having been transformed and changed for the Kingdom’s sake. What a beautiful display of redemption. The Father is so good.


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