
Showing posts from October, 2016

Praise Report on Health

God has been working for sure!!! I have seen strength and improvement in my health, and I also felt a shift this past week in my spirit. I felt like the Lord told me to walk in faith in my healing and to believe for it. Since Thursday I have seen drastic improvements.  I also saw the doctor again this week and he was very pleased with the progress I have made in the last month. From the medical perspective He is hopeful that within another 6-8 weeks I will be back to myself again and able to return to India. Spiritually speaking I believe the healing has come, and I need to continue strengthening myself physically with rehabilitation and physical therapy which I am doing daily. The doctor encouraged me that though my heart rate greatly increases to abnormal ranges during therapy, the physical therapy will eventually recondition the heart to beat at a normal pace and I can continue to push myself onward. Praise the Lord! (Rev. 12:11)  I am happy to share of the testimony of God's

Health Update

I am thankful for the many notes, messages, prayers, and care over the past few weeks. Yesterday marked one month since being admitted to the hospital in India. I have had some really rough days, but I have seen the grace of God and incredible improvements in the last week. My blood pressure seems to be finding some stability on the medication I am taking, and is no longer dropping. My pulse rate continues to fluctuate and symptoms come and go throughout the day. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or rhyme to when this happens right now. Some days I can stand and walk without much difficulty, while other days bring faintness and heart palpitations. The doctor said this is all normal with this syndrome. Our hope and prayer is that within the next month, I will continue to see even more stability with my pulse as well as my blood pressure. The good news is I am much stronger than I was when I first left the hospital and returned home. I am able to walk without help, and yesterday I ev

Lessons from the Lounge Chair #2

The power of assumption. One of the things I am learning from this lounge chair season is the way I assume things: things about myself, God, and others.  I am finding out quickly how others do the same.  I guess this is a very natural thing, but you know what they say about assumptions. Why don’t we ask people questions?   Why don’t we ask God things first? The other day I got my very first opportunity to ride one of those nifty electronic wheelchairs with the little cart on the front. I was visiting the local Target for some much needed necessities. It was the first time I had gone to a store since coming home.   Besides doctor appointments and a funeral, and one attempt to visit church, I hadn’t really left the house. My heart rate wasn’t at a place to really be able to stand and walk long enough to get my essentials, so my mom and I decided for me to use a wheelchair. I had always wanted to ride one of those motorized wheelchairs. It looked fun. It wasn’t until I was r

Lessons from the Lounge Chair #1

This medical leave has been more than just a time of recuperation on a medical level. It’s been a time of deep learning and insight and an infilling of wisdom from God. While these aren’t amazing stories of God’s work on the “field of India”, allow me share the amazing stories of God’s work on the field of my heart. Since arriving home there have been many family members and friends who have lost loved ones to death or are awaiting the death of close loved ones. Most of them have lost these loved ones suddenly. One found out they had a brain tumor and 3 weeks later died. One had a baby and 10 weeks later committed suicide. One was diagnosed with cancer and days later passed away. One is awaiting death as I type. Although my own situation pales in comparison to these great losses and suffering, it along with these other deaths has reminded me of the frailty of human life, the frailty of the things we take for granted on a very regular basis. Things like walking, talking, worki