
Showing posts from June, 2016


This month I have so much to be thankful for.   We should rejoice at all times, but this month I have to admit I am extra thankful. I want to share some exciting updates with you. We are seeing breakthrough and fruit.   My team and I have been pressing into prayer, fasting, and seeking the Father for wisdom, discernment, and breakthrough.   We have been reminded time and time again the need for worship and fasting.   “This kind only comes out by pra*er and fasting.”   As Israel conquered the surrounding areas they did so only by sending out the worshipers ahead of their men. We are practicing these examples and seeing breakthrough.   I had felt the L0rd telling me I needed more prayer coverage as I go into dark and unreached areas.   I want to thank each of you that responded to be one of my MIGHTY MEN and prayer warriors in order to cover each day of the month in prayer. I actually still have days that are not specifically covered in prayer.   If you would like, please contact m

Ashish Means "Blessing"

In the last few weeks I have observed a dear friend and family live out the Father's love before my eyes. There is a boys home where I live and boys from all over the country come to live and go to school here. Most of them come from families with very limited incomes or where death has taken one or both of their parents. Some come from abusive families and backgrounds.  All come because this boy's hostel offers a better future, an education, love, hope, and a family to care for them.  One boy has no family outside of his adopted hostel family. On holidays when the other boys go "home" for a few weeks, he stay back with his adoptive hostel parents.  I am not sure how he ended up int he care of my friend Ashish, but he has lived at the home since he was just a very little boy.  Now a teenager, he is struggling to process the abuse and horror he experienced as a child. He was sexually abused as a very young boy.  Recently, he acted out for the second time attempting to


As many of you know, things haven’t been the easiest lately.  My team and I have been facing many hardships, accidents, sickness, and more. Our hardship and pressed times haven’t also been without amazing strides forward and many answers to prayer.  I wanted to share a few today. The village we go to on Wednesdays has one man that is faithfully reading the Big Book we gave him just before Christmas.   Last week I shared the story of Samuel with him and his neighbors. We got to pray with many, many people in the village, and we see relationships being built and going deeper. The man “R” in this village told us that he knows what he reads the Big Book the Father is speaking truth to him. One man “S” I asked you to pray for was released from the hospital.   He and his family continue to grieve the loss of his mother and sister that were killed in the accident he was involved in.   He is lucky to be alive, and it’s truly a miracle the speed of his recovery.   Another women

Prayer- What Would You Ask For?

                              God is forever faithful. There is a quote by Tim Keller that says, “God will only give you what you would have asked for if  you knew everything he knows.”  I love this quote.  Sometimes people take that verse “He gives you the desires of your heart” out of context. It’s not that God just gives us whatever we ask for, but it’s that when our hearts are aligned with His and seeking His true heart and goodness, that of course he will answer and give us what we ask for.  When we want his will and purposes more than our own desires and wants, than he can’t help but fulfill our requests. Recently, the lady who comes to my small group discipleship meeting on Saturdays asked me how to pray to God.   She said she thought God answered my prayers because I was a good person.   She went on to say that she didn’t really know how to pray or hear from God. This woman is still a Hind*u believer and though she believes in JC, she hasn’t yet chosen him as the