Proper Introductions

People in India are so different from people in America. Even those who don’t “believe” in G*d still know the characteristic of G*d in America.  They are familiar with Him even if they don’t know Him.  G*d has a reputation of sorts in America.  I realized that here if you asked someone to trust in the One True G*d, they have no basis or foundation to put that trust on. Sometimes when I talk to someone about the Father, it is literally the first time they are ever hearing His name.  If I told my friend Ashley to meet my friend Erika, and I told her she was the most trust worthy person I knew, that might make Ashley want to meet Erika, but it wouldn’t make Ashley immediately trust Erika, much less allow her to be in charge of all of her life, time, and possessions. The same is true here. When I talk about the Father, I am merely introducing people to the ONE I know. First impressions are important.  My relationship with the ONE is important.  What I say and how I explain Him is important.  I am literally introducing people to Him for the first time usually.  What a privilege it is to be able to introduce my dear friend and Father to others. My prayer and hope is that I never miss an opportunity for proper introductions, and that I would live my life in such a way that others can see the relationship with the ONE that is possible when they live in communion with Him.


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