Recruitment & Requests

This weekend I drove past fields filled with hundreds and hundreds of men trying out for the army.  Literally masses filled the streets and corners of every turn for miles as young men came out for the recruitment days. I thought of the way the Father calls us to join His army and how He equips us even as weak youngsters for the war He calls us to. Nothing could have ever prepared me for India.  I often say that as I try to prep people who have come with me to visit India.  Sometimes the only way to learn is by jumping in.

I believe that while the Father prepares us and trains our hands for war, and our feet to stand in high places, He also calls us to trust, and free fall into His arms with complete surrender.  He calls us to give our whole lives, even the future and the unknowns.  He calls us to live in such a way that even when we can’t see the next step, we trust and walk out on the water.

As my time in India approaches the end of my first year, please be seeking the Father with me for wisdom into the next phase of life and *inistry work. I want the Father’s will for where I am to live, and when I am to start something new.  I have many, many opportunities here in the city I am working in currently, and it’s an option to stay here. There are also a few other opportunities in other cities that are open as well.  All are wonderful options, but the question remains, Father what is your will? What is He recruiting me for?

Updates and Requests:
1. I had recently asked for protection for a team that was out on a trek - The Father kept them safe and they came back with many amazing stories of the work the Father is doing, and new families that was to take the next step in their faith and be baptized.
2. The young man I spoke of who is in prison, is still being held in prison.  Your continued pr*yers are appreciate for his safety and release. 


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