Curses and Finding a Cure



                              The village we visit regularly to tell stories.

This week the reality of spiritual curses on this land has become such a reality.  In my opinion, the frequent occurrence of certain events is too odd and timed to not be a curse. This week as I traveled the windy roads to a nearby village about an hour away, my friends and I noticed a spot where a car had clearly fallen off the edge of the mountain.  The tiny, one-way roads, curvy blind corners, crazy traffic, and lack of guardrails often lead to accidents and the unfortunate event of cars falling off the steep mountain cliffs. Our taxi pulled over to stop and ask questions about the accident; when did this happen, were all involved killed, etc. Indians are notoriously nosey for wanting all the latest gossip and details, although in reality it makes very little difference. We didn’t know the family involved in this accident, and there was nothing we could do to help after the fact, except pray for the family involved in this tragic accident. But we stopped to ask questions, none-the-less.

We soon learned that there was not one, but two cars that had gone off the cliff, in the same exact location. One car had gone off the cliff and instantly killed a family. The story told was that the relatives of this family had come for the funeral, and 5 days after the first accident, the members traveling in another car also went off the cliff in the same location as their relatives, also instantly killing all inside.  Within a week, all the members of one family had been killed, and all in the same tragic way, in the same location. This story reminded me that $atan is not ironic, but strategic. He plans and sets up traps to steal, kill, and destroy. This was one of his tactics.

A few days later a friend asked me to come and pr*y with her.  Her family has been under strong sp*ritual attack for some months. Each member of her family has been in and out of the hospital with strange sickness.  She began seeking the Father for wisdom into these unfortunate events.  Not too long ago, her sister-in-law left her brother for another man and revealed that she had been having an affair for 2 years with the song leader from their party house. At that point my friend became the song leader of the party, taking over for the previous leader as he was asked to resign for obvious reasons. As my friend spent time seeking the Father, she saw the connection in the sp*rit realm. The last 3 song leaders at her party house had fallen into temptation and had committed adultery.  While she has not fallen for this same sin, her physical body was being attacked with sickness as well as her family members. Again, the strategy of the enemy began to be revealed.

Stories like these come to the surface on a daily basis. Call me super $piritual, but to me, it’s clear that these events point towards reoccurring strongholds and curses that have been placed over the people and the land of India.  The enemy would love to keep people ineffective, struggling, and even taking their very lives.  While these things are a reality we must face and take seriously, the awesome truth is that our G*d has overcome all these things.  We don’t fight in vain, but with the victory of the Son. We can take note of what is happening, and seek the Father for HIS strategies to tear down strongholds and demolish arguments that set itself up against the knowledge of G*d (2 Cor. 10:5). In the name of J*$us every curse is broken, and people can be set free.  Join me in seeking the Father as we fast and pr*y for wisdom in tearing down $piritual strongholds, and declaring the word of G*d over this land and it’s people. Apart from the HS we can do nothing.



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