Waiting Room

I am in a waiting period.  The Father has spoken some very real and raw things to my heart, but He is asking me to wait. I have had to wait before, and go through periods of seeking and waiting, but this period has a new sense to it all it’s own. Anticipation, excitement, questions, concerns, joy, impatience, frustration, a mixture of all different emotions floods my heart.

I feel like Abraham when he was promised to be the Father of many nations.  He knew it, and believed it, but the timing was not in His hands.  I feel like Mary, given the information that she would be the mother of the Me$siah, and yet she was told, “hide these things in your heart”. It seems unbearable at times.  It seems impossible at times, but like Abraham and Mary I must have faith, and trust, and wait, and let the L*rd do His job.

I am reminded that before I came here, the Father told me I was waiting. Now I am here, and He is having me to wait.  Sometimes we wait because we want to.  Sometimes we wait because He wants us to.  I am reminded this life is one big waiting room. We wait upon a hea*venly home and an Ete*rnity with the Father. No matter where we are waiting or why, we can keep our focus on the One who knows it all and has all our days planned, every single one.

I don’t wait in vain, but with a hope.


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