This Love

I have spoken before of my neighbor Rajani. We have become closer and closer over the weeks of living in my new apt. She feels free to enter my house, especially when I have other ladies over.  I have been sick the last few days, so I have had many visitors.  She has come with many of them, and sat, and checked in on me. She offers me food and care daily.

Through our time together, Rajani has shared about her loss. Her husband died 3 years ago.  Though she speaks of it rarely, I know it’s a deep pain and loss in her life.  She shares the tragedy of how he fell from the mountain, broke many bones, and was killed. I have been able to share with her my love and Dad’s love for her.  I have told her I will pr*y for comfort for her, and have pr*yed with her as well. Just this past Sunday, we sat and remembered the anniversary of His death together.

One day I was sitting in my house just quietly worshiping the Father, and she came in.  She listened to the sweet words of a song “This Love”. We sat, heads together, just listening, just soaking in the beauty of the music.  As we sat, I explained as best I could in my limited Hindi the meaning of the words to the song, and G*d’s great love for HER. It was the sweetest time.

Slowly, slowly she is learning a love that is greater than mine.  She has started allowing her kids to attend ch* with me on Sunday mornings.  While she fears coming herself, afraid of the rejection and chance of being fired by her boss, her children are able to come and hear the love of G*d each week.  My landlord and her boss would be furious with her if he knew she was coming.  He would fire her and kick her out on the streets.  Rajani depends upon him for weekly food, housing, and income.  While she is curious about “this love”, she is wise.  Rajani doesn’t need to be in Ch* to hear about Dad.  It’s moments like these, when I am thankful HE lives in ME, and I can be the truth and light, and BRING it to her wherever she is. Rajani doesn’t need chu*ch, she need Jes*$.

Today, I laid on the couch very sick as a friend came to visit.  I wondered why I was better yesterday and worse again today.  Today, as my Indian friend came to visit, so did Rajani. Today, as I laid on the couch motionless and speechless, my Indian friend engaged in conversation with Rajani in a way I probably can’t for a long time. Today Rajani met another friend of Dad.  Today, Rajani met a woman who has met her kids at the party house, and could tell her more of “this love”.  Today, I watched as Rajani smiled and had that sense of belonging and community in Je$*$. Chu*ch came to Rajani today.  It was a beautiful thing.  Today, being sick one more day was totally worth it.

Rajani means night.  Each night as you go to bed, I ask that you would join me in pr8ying for Rajani by name. Her sons Saurab and Reetik.  Pr8 for them to come to know the Father in a personal way.  Pr8 for them to be welcomed into the community of believers, and for them to experience truth in a way that destroys all false belief systems. Pr8 that as her kids attend Sunday mornings, they would learn impacting truths they can bring home to their mother.  Pr8 for me to have words and fluency in Hindi to share what is needed, when it’s needed. Pr8 that the light of JC would dispel all darkness and that even the night would be as day to Rajani.


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