Wide Open Doors in the Midst of a So-Called “Closed Nation” & New Requests

Sometimes I am just in awe of the open doors Dad is providing for His Light to shine.
This month I have had the opportunity to pr*y with many people and families.  I was privileged to be able to share verses and stories of truth.  I got to sit with some broken hearted teenagers, staff working on the field, rehab clients, and people in broken marriages.  I got to counsel each and share the hope and truth in Dad. I got to watch the Father give specific words and proph*etic counsel to families in need. I watched as their faces literally became changed in light of His love. I got to pr*y with people and witnessed Dad break chains and bring long needed deliverance from the demonic to a whole family one night, as well as an individual on another day.
I got to share that Dad is a the good shepherd and he is the ONLY way with one women.  I was able to share with another the power and healing virtues available to us in the Son and seek for healing with another.

I am in awe of the Father.  He is working and it’s a beautiful, beautiful thing.  Watching people find Je$us and $alvation and freedom will never get dull.

New Request:
1. Please ask the Father to give me more open doors with 2 Muz**im families I have been meeting with weekly.  Ramad*an is taking place this month.  As this population seeks their g*od for revelation and purity, I am asking the ONE to bring true revelation and cleansing to their whole minds, souls, and spirits.
2. Ask Him for an elderly women I call Mata Ji (Mother).  I see her almost daily and have opportunities to share love.  She is a strict “guru” leading and training others in the highest forms of Hin*duism.  I am asking Dad for opportunities to share love and that love would win her heart to be open to the ONLY true Love.  Mata Ji has much influence in the community, she could be a powerful guru for the ONE.
3. So much of Hind* and Muz**m ways are infiltrated with truths from Dad, but then twisted with false belief systems.  Pr*y for wisdom when sharing to help cut away the falsehoods and bring light and revelation to belief systems, that ONLY truth would remain.  Pr*y for open eyes to see and know the ONE True King.
4. My new neighbor is coming to the party house with me this coming week. It will be her first time there. She is open to the Father. She and I discussed Dad’s love this week.  Her husband died three years ago and she is now raising two young boys along. (6 and 9 years old).  She is broken and in need of HIS love, care and $alvat*on.  I see her daily, but with my limited Hindi we have “half conversations”. Please pr*y for the Hind*i words that are needed to come faster and smoother so I can share more easily.  She has expressed desire to know more and attend the party house, but our landlord, and her boss, is very anti-DAD.  She has asked me to not tell anyone that she will attend the party house with me.  Please ask with me for her to be protected from the words and expectations of our landlord and community and to pursue Dad despite persecution.

5. 4 teachers at school, and 3 other individuals that I have shared about before are all open and seeking. Pr*y for continued open doors and the spirit to break down every obstacle and bring truth and light.   Their first name initials: K, B, L, A, J, N, S.


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