The ONE Thing!

People are dying all around me. I am in a wa*r zone.
Some days I can barely stand it.  Some days I just want to run away and escape.
Some days it seems like death is over taking the land and the souls all around me.
Some days I feel the death trying to invade my own soul and spirit.
It’s heavy.

Some days I see the Light and the Hope, and I am reminded of the HOPE we have.  I am reminded that the w*ar is real, but my Co*mander and Arm*y Ge*neral is wise. I am reminded that LOVE has already won the war.

He gives me the ar*mor and prepares a table before me, “in the midst” of my enemies. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for ba*tle.  He keeps my lamp burning and he turns darkness into light.  With HIS help I CAN advance against a tr*op.  Psalm 18 comes alive as I look at the world around me.

Today I had this moment with the Father as I confessed my focus on the death around me. I realized I was letting my focus stay too long on the enemy. I was listening to the voice of the enemy more than the voice of the Father. This is a dangerous place to be. Fear can infiltrate your whole being in a moment. Death breathes fear, hopelessness, and despair.  But Life breathes hope, revelation, and re$urrection power to overcome all odds. I remember a time before when the Father told me to make my victory song louder and more convincing than the voice of the enemy*! Praise and Rejoicing change my focus from death to life.

I felt the Father say to me, “if you knew someone was dying and you knew something that could save them, why would you not tell them, why would you delay?”

I am here for a reason. There is work to be done. The time is now and I can’t delay.  And while some days the doors aren’t open for verbal proclamation.
Some days I have to wait and see what the L*rd is about to do.
Some days the war is done by sharing truth in worship and intercession in the spirit realm.
Some days it’s done sharing truth face to face when the door cracks open.

Today, I must put my focus on the ONE!
I can taste and see,
Really taste and see.
HE is Good.
I can walk with Him.
He is the ONE thing that will $ave them.
He is the ONE thing that remains true.
Even darkness is as light to HIM. (PS 139)

Trust can’t be a choice.  It IS a choice.  Some days we have to choose to trust.  But trust is not really optional. It’s the only way. We MUST trust him. It’s the only way.
Trust Him and HE will act!  Today I choose Je$u$.  I choose His plans.  I choose to place my focus on Him and His voice and deny the voice of doubt and unbelief. 

I WILL see the goodness of the L*r d in the land of the living.

He is the ONE thing my focus should be on.


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