I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

An interesting thing about Indians is that often when they become believers, they give their whole lives to follow Jesus, and often become radical followers for His namesake. Too often, they give up their families, their culture, their rights, their name, their reputation, and more. They become victims of persecution; yet have such deep faith to pursue their walk with the Lord despite all costs. It’s truly convicting as an American who very rarely faces any sort of persecution. Indian believers’ lives become about the fame of Jesus not about their own lives or wellbeing. 

The famous song, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” originated out of India, and the story of a man’s surrender of his life and family to the Lord.  The short but very powerful testimony can be viewed here:

It takes a courageous and strong person to choose to decide to follow Jesus here. The city we live in is known for where the Baptism of the Holy Spirit first fell in India. What a rich heritage. We have been sensing the utter and desperate need for the work of the Holy Spirit in our city. Apart from the Spirit there will be no lasting fruit here. We see dry bones and stone hearts all around. We speak, but our words (HIS WORDS) seem to fall on deaf ears. Our cry is for a fresh fall of God’s fire here in India, and upon the hearts of our friends and neighbors. We need the work of the Spirit in our lives as well.

As I read Ezekiel 36 today I was reminded that it is the Sovereign Lord who gives us a new heart and puts a new spirit in us. He alone removes the heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh. Verse 27 says, And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.”  

This is my prayer for myself and for the Indians around me. May we be moved to follow Jesus deeply, passionately, and unswervingly. 


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