
Showing posts from July, 2015

Wide Open Doors in the Midst of a So-Called “Closed Nation” & New Requests

Sometimes I am just in awe of the open doors Dad is providing for His Light to shine. This month I have had the opportunity to pr*y with many people and families.   I was privileged to be able to share verses and stories of truth.   I got to sit with some broken hearted teenagers, staff working on the field, rehab clients, and people in broken marriages.   I got to counsel each and share the hope and truth in Dad. I got to watch the Father give specific words and proph*etic counsel to families in need. I watched as their faces literally became changed in light of His love. I got to pr*y with people and witnessed Dad break chains and bring long needed deliverance from the demonic to a whole family one night, as well as an individual on another day. I got to share that Dad is a the good shepherd and he is the ONLY way with one women.   I was able to share with another the power and healing virtues available to us in the Son and seek for healing with another. I am in awe of

The ONE Thing!

People are dying all around me. I am in a wa*r zone. Some days I can barely stand it.   Some days I just want to run away and escape. Some days it seems like death is over taking the land and the souls all around me. Some days I feel the death trying to invade my own soul and spirit. It’s heavy. Some days I see the Light and the Hope, and I am reminded of the HOPE we have.   I am reminded that the w*ar is real, but my Co*mander and Arm*y Ge*neral is wise. I am reminded that LOVE has already won the war. He gives me the ar*mor and prepares a table before me, “in the midst” of my enemies. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for ba*tle.   He keeps my lamp burning and he turns darkness into light.   With HIS help I CAN advance against a tr*op.   Psalm 18 comes alive as I look at the world around me. Today I had this moment with the Father as I confessed my focus on the death around me. I realized I was l


Lately, I have been struggling with this feeling of just being stuck.  I feel like I am in a bubble. I try to study, it doesn’t happen. I try to do work and I can’t. I try to memorize Hindi and I can’t.  I try to pray and my mind shifts to something else. I try to focus on needed things, and nothing gets accomplished. I have been told 6 months is the turning point of culture adjustment and many people hit a wall of frustrations, irritations, anger, sadness, etc, before moving forward. Maybe that’s what is happening. Next week, I will have been here for 8 months and haven’t felt this “wall” yet that I hear others talking about. I have moments of culture transition, but not this deep pit or high wall that I hear others discussing.  Maybe my bubble is the wall. It’s like an invisible bubble that is all around me. It’s so frustrating.  I am a doer. I can’t “do” in a bubble.  I hit a wall as I try to “do” and I bounce off and hit the other side. I run in the bubble