
Showing posts from July, 2015

Wide Open Doors in the Midst of a So-Called “Closed Nation” & New Requests

Sometimes I am just in awe of the open doors Dad is providing for His Light to shine. This month I have had the opportunity to pr*y with many people and families.   I was privileged to be able to share verses and stories of truth.   I got to sit with some broken hearted teenagers, staff working on the field, rehab clients, and people in broken marriages.   I got to counsel each and share the hope and truth in Dad. I got to watch the Father give specific words and proph*etic counsel to families in need. I watched as their faces literally became changed in light of His love. I got to pr*y with people and witnessed Dad break chains and bring long needed deliverance from the demonic to a whole family one night, as well as an individual on another day. I got to share that Dad is a the good shepherd and he is the ONLY way with one women.   I was able to share with another the power and healing virtues available to us in the Son and seek for healing with another. ...

The ONE Thing!

People are dying all around me. I am in a wa*r zone. Some days I can barely stand it.   Some days I just want to run away and escape. Some days it seems like death is over taking the land and the souls all around me. Some days I feel the death trying to invade my own soul and spirit. It’s heavy. Some days I see the Light and the Hope, and I am reminded of the HOPE we have.   I am reminded that the w*ar is real, but my Co*mander and Arm*y Ge*neral is wise. I am reminded that LOVE has already won the war. He gives me the ar*mor and prepares a table before me, “in the midst” of my enemies. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for ba*tle.   He keeps my lamp burning and he turns darkness into light.   With HIS help I CAN advance against a tr*op.   Psalm 18 comes alive as I look at the world around me. Today I had this moment with the Father as I confessed my focus on the death aroun...


Lately, I have been struggling with this feeling of just being stuck.  I feel like I am in a bubble. I try to study, it doesn’t happen. I try to do work and I can’t. I try to memorize Hindi and I can’t.  I try to pray and my mind shifts to something else. I try to focus on needed things, and nothing gets accomplished. I have been told 6 months is the turning point of culture adjustment and many people hit a wall of frustrations, irritations, anger, sadness, etc, before moving forward. Maybe that’s what is happening. Next week, I will have been here for 8 months and haven’t felt this “wall” yet that I hear others talking about. I have moments of culture transition, but not this deep pit or high wall that I hear others discussing.  Maybe my bubble is the wall. It’s like an invisible bubble that is all around me. It’s so frustrating.  I am a doer. I can’t “do” in a bubble.  I hit a wall as I try to “do” and I bounce off and hit the other si...