I Wanna Be the Tweet

Mussoorie has become a comfort zone for me. Traveling outside Mussoorie always reminds me of the grander scheme of God’s plans.  So much greater and bigger than we could ever understand.  Others cities are bigger, louder, more poor, etc. The biggest need in Mussoorie is still the same biggest need as in Delhi or another big city. They need JC.

This weekend I traveled with a friend to Delhi to help send her off back to the States. She is moving home for a year and will return. Emotions always run high with this kind of move, and I was thinking how heart broken I would be to be leaving.  This is truly my home and calling. I can’t imagine leaving, and that fact reassures my heart I am in the right place. I love India.  This week also marked 6 months here for me.  Some people say 6 months is a real critical turning point.  Many people tend to hard a hard time at this phase.  Adjusting and learning, but also missing home and just getting frustrated with all the things they still don’t know. 

For me, I just have peace and joy.  Either I am still on the honeymoon phase or Dad is just gracious to me, but I am doing well and feeling so blessed to be able to be here.  I am thankful for supportive family and friends and supporters who make it possible.  I am thankful for the grace extended to me so far as I make stupid ignorant cultural blunders. I am thankful for leaders and mentors who guide me through the process. I am thankful for a redeeming Father who helps me when I am weak.  I am thankful for the tangible comfort I feel from team mates and the Ho*y Spi*it when I am lonely and missing home and fresh raw veggies and working internet and the hugs of people who genuinely know me and love me.

While I miss people and comforts that I can’t find here in India, I can’t imagine trading those things for the chance to be here.  I can’t imagine not being able to sit across from those here that are still waiting to have a relationship with the Son and having the chance to tell them of a hope and life with Him.

Just this past week, I had three different people tell me that I reflect the Son.  First one of my teachers a devote Hin*u, told me what a “real Chri*tian” should look like. He has done much study of religio*ns and is very well educated.  He knows much of the verses from the Big Book and he could very well explain what Cx should look like. He explained that some people call themselves a “cx” but they look nothing like the Son.  He went on to say that a “real cx” is one that looks like the Son.  He told me that he could tell I was a real follower because I look like the things the Big Book says the Son looks like.  I was blown away. I literally had no words.  This man basically just prea*h*d the gos*el to me. It’s not that he doesn’t know the truth, he does. He just hasn’t experienced the truth and the enlightenment of the Hol* Spi*it.  I realized the need for blinded eyes to be opened and hardened hearts to be softened.  I realized the need for the HS power.  I am thankful this teacher sees me as a genuine follower, but I want him to not just know the truth, but be set free.  I want him to have encounters with the Living Father and the Spi*it of Truth available.

Later another teacher told me I was the “tweet” which he explained meant that I was like a bird that brought a sweet song to the atmosphere. He said I made everyone happy and people were thankful and joyful when I was around. I took his compliment, but I knew this wasn’t just that I am a joyful person. Rather I know that the Son is in me and shining through me.

Later in the week, another shopkeeper stopped me. He is a MuZl*m man. He told me that his assistant’s wife had recently become a follower of JC. He told me that his assistant was interested in learning more about the Son. He said, you know the Son, and you really live your life like him. You have real faith. Will you talk to my assistant about the Son?  Some days I am astounded at what Dad is doing in me and through me and around me.  I am astounded at the continued open doors of opportunity.  I shouldn’t be surprised, he does say, “Look up the harvests are ripe”. 

Pr* with me for continued open doors. Pr* for wisdom and purity of heart and mind, words and actions, life and work. Pr* for hearts to see and believe. Pr* for the love of Dad to break down barriers and walls and strongholds of falsehoods.  Pr* for a sweeping of His spirit to fall and cleanse this nation of generations of doubt and fear. Pr* for me to continue to be the tweet, and for more people to become the tweet around them as well.


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