
Fear is a tricky thing.  It trinkles in almost unknowingly, and sinks deep fast.  We rarely can identify fear as quickly as we see the signs of it. I have been seeing the Lord pinpoint fear to me almost daily. 

It would be easy to give way to it, but when we fear we are not trusting in HIM.  Trust, true abandoned trust in the Lord, leaves no room for fear. He says, “Fear not, do not be dismayed.”  He is our Lord and there is no other.  He alone is able.  What is impossible for man, (for this world) is not impossible with Him.  Nothing is impossible with him.  He is completely “otherly” as my one friend Vivian would say. He is not limited to our plans or abilities, nor is he limited to the statistics and history of the past.  He is entirely otherly, outside this world.

I find myself rushing to fill water bottles when we have electricity and water, worry I won’t have enough water.  I find myself conserving paper and wood for my fires, worrying I will not have enough, worry I will be cold. I find myself buying and storing extra food just in case we get snowed in and can’t leave. I then hear the gentle reminder from the Lord. “There is wisdom and there is fear.  The things I do are wise to do, but the heart motivation is not wisdom, it is fear.”  He reminds me again of his love, of his word, of his truth, and herein I feel the sweet release of his freedom.  I am not to fear, but to trust confidently in my Lord.

Matthew 6 reminds me I can’t serve two masters.  I can’t fear and trust in my Lord at the same time. Worry and Fear change nothing.  God alone is the God of miracles. I am instructed not to worry about food or drink, or what clothes I will wear. He cares for the birds even, how much more does he care for me, one of his own?  He is faithful, and therefore I need not worry about tomorrow.  My God is faithful and he will supply all my needs!

I rebuke fear, and I cover it’s whispers with the muzzle of the blood of Jesus.  I silence Fear, and I choose to Trust in the ONE who is faithful- El Shaddai, my supply!


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