
Sometimes I remember the ease of my old life,
I remember:
Hot showers with fast running water,
Rather then the trinkle of a bucket bath.
Electricity that rarely goes off,
Verses the question will I have it today?
A car that takes me wherever I need to go,
Whenever I need it,
Rather then the few miles walk to get items I need at the store.
The taste of fresh fruits and veggies and the ease of washing and eating,
Rather than soaking in cleanser to remove the parasites and then hoping the produce you just bought it not BE filled with a worm or soft and mille inside.
The ability to do laundry in the comfort of my home whenever I want,
Rather then walking to the edge of a muddy cliff where the washer machine is etched into the rocks.  Here I must precariously put my laundry in and out as to not drop it into the muddy water making it dirtier,
My other choice is doing it by hand or giving it to a Dobi Walla, who does his best, but it still ends up coming back smelling like the chemicals of India.

Sometimes I remember these things and I pray, “Come Quickly Lord, Come Quickly”

But sometimes it is the eyes of a little girl,
The face of a woman on the street,
The tug of a beggar child,
And ironically the hum of the Hindus praying to their Gods
That draws your heart back to truth.

Sometimes I remember why I am here.
There is work to be done.
Sometimes I cry, “Come Quickly Lord, Come Quickly, But Not Too Quickly, There Is Still Work To Be Done.”

2 Corinthians 4:1-18- Lord, may I remember!


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