Why I Do What I Do

Each week I am blown away at God’s love as I minister to broken people in need of truth and healing.  He takes our cracks, our wounds, even our fleshy stupid choices, and as we surrender them to Him, He uses them to make us into something new- something with lasting beauty.

Kintsugi is an art form used by Japanese.  It uses broken pottery pieces and mixes it with a lacquer and powdered gold or silver to create a piece of art. As a philosophy it speaks to breakage and repair becoming part of the history of an object rather than something to disguise. 

I think the same is similar with genuine healing in Christ. Once Christ, as the Master artist, places His truth and healing into the cracks of our life stories, he is able to make a truly genuine vessel to shine his brilliant love. We then attract others to us. Instead of hiding in shame, we can boldly proclaim the truth. We are set free to set others free. 

I believe Christ longs to heal our brokenness. He wants us to know him in this manner: as Healer, Rescuer, Restorer, Redeemer.  But He also wants to use us to magnify His glory with the “beauty and gold” that He deposits into us. He wants to use us for a greater purpose as well. He wants to use us to bring others to Him.

I recently worked with someone who had been struggling with anger for sometime. She is saved and knows the word of God. She desired closeness to the Lord, but was struggling to feel any intimacy.  This person admitted they were angry with God.  They had experienced many losses in life. Loss of family relationships, loss of close friends, and loss of a loved one to suicide. As we began to process some of these pains, losses, and emotions, the Holy Spirit began to reveal how this person had begun to believe that they were all alone in those moments. It seemed as though God wasn’t helping, or wasn’t available. It seemed as though she must carry the burden herself.

As we began to ask the Lord his perspective on these belief systems, He began to show this person where He was in some of those most painful moments.  He revealed the truth. She was not alone. He was with her. He showed her how she was carrying burdens that He never intended for her to carry. He showed her how her anger had been keeping her at a distance from him, causing that lack of intimacy.  The Holy Spirit spoke to her and told her she could bring those burdens to Him. She didn’t need to carry them anymore or bear the responsibility.  As she released the burdens to Him, He gave her a picture of how He can take all the burdens of her heart, of others hearts too, and He can observe them, monitor them, care for them. He is in control. He cares. He sees, and He is working on her behalf. 

Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

The truth spoken directly to her heart in a way she could receive it!

As Jesus revealed this picture to her, she was able to not only give Him the burdens of her heart, but also the anger she had held towards Him. She was able to confess her distance, and ask Him to draw her near again. 

It was a beautiful session. A redeeming session. A healing session. You could see a new found joy on the person’s face. This is the God we serve. He adds His truth, His “gold” to our cracks. He takes the broken pieces and brings healing that we might be a vessel to display His beauty. We are set free to set free.

Watching beauty come out of the ashes is an incredible thing. Prayer Counseling never gets old. Jesus is alive and working today. His work is always refreshing, always beautiful, and truly a miracle. This is why I do what I do. We are set free to set free. To God be the glory!

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