
Definition: des-tined
  • (of a person's future) developing as though according to a plan.
  • certain to meet (a particular fate).
  • intended for or traveling toward (a particular place).

Some days you just have to wonder.  What is it that I was destined for?  How on earth will this all work out?  Some days you know the call and the plans, but it seems far stretched to get there. 

I was reminded today that before I was even born the Lord gave my mother the name she was to call me. My name literally means "Christian" or "little Christ".  After I was born, the Lord gave my mother a song to sing over me. 

                 "Didi Adara" Precious Gift from God. 
                 "Didi Adara" Precious Little one. 
                  Born to live in God's World. 
                  Born to live for Him. 
                 "Didi Adara" Precious Little one.

God knew the destiny He was calling me to. He knew the plans He has for me. He was orchestrating and planning and making the way known, even before I was born.

Job 42:2 "I know that you (God) can do all things; no purpose of your can be thwarted.

Isaiah 14:27 "the Lord of Heaven's Armies has spoken- who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him?"

Today I am reminded that I AM called. I AM named. I AM destined to live for Him. And HE will do it!


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