If your house was the size of your bathroom...

A kind man lives just beneath our house in an old woodshed. There is no running water, no electricity, (although he has some access to both from the owner of the woodshed), and his “house” is about the size of an American bathroom. There is one small window with bars on it, no glass, no screen and a thin door for the room. In the harshness of winter, I often wonder how he doesn’t freeze to death. In the warm of summer swarming with mosquitos and flies, I wonder how he doesn’t get typhoid and more. 

This man is one of the kindest men I have ever met. He has a smile that displays his kindness without words. 

Recently after the COVID-19 lockdown hit our area, about 8 day laborers got stuck in our city as they were trying to travel home to Nepal. In Hindi, we refer to these day laborers as “coolies”. This sweet neighbor of ours opened his one room home to these 8 men. For the last two months, they shared his tiny one room home, limited water supply, and cramped quarters until the borders reopened. 

We have been able to share food and rations with these men during this time of hardship. Manoj tried to visit them outside, “socially distanced”, to daily build a friendship and encourage them. Of course, we have tried to shine Jesus to them and open doors for conversation. But I can’t help notice the kind neighbor’s generosity and sacrifice for these men. It was above and beyond our giving of food to the men. It was Agape love shown through the neighbor, giving his all to the passerby. 

Corinthians talks about “giving out of what you don’t have to prove you love for God.” I rarely do this. I often give out of my surplus, but rarely to the point it hurts me or becomes a sacrifice. Our sweet neighbor gave out of what he didn’t have, and his giving was so generous, I know those day laborer men felt God’s love. 

I have been challenge this week as I reflected on our neighbor. “Faith without deeds is dead.” I wonder if giving without some sacrifice is also dead? Christ gave His all. He laid down His life for His “neighbor”. As I share Truth with people here, I want them to grasp the goodness and deep love of God. I want them to understand God gave His all for them, and I want to be willing to sacrificially give in such a way that proves to those around me my love for the Father. As my neighbor gave so freely, I also want to give and trust the Lord. 


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