A Deep Conviction

(Photo credit: Google)
Yesterday we drove past a huddle of three little street girls crouching down on the side of the road around a pile of collected trash. We live just past an area that is known for trash pickers and what we would consider as Westerners in America to be homeless families. As I looked closer, I realized these little girls were eating any of the remains they could find hidden within the wrappers of someone else’s trash.

I thought I should stop and take them to get something proper to eat. Isn’t that what Christ would do? Fearful of being accused to be a Mi$$ion.@ry in the sight of anyone who saw me help these girls, I kept on driving past them. Later a deep conviction welled up in my heart. 

Just that morning I had read in my devotion time about how faithful our God is. It’s all throughout scripture. I had been reflecting on His ability to defend me in the face of the hardship and trials currently happening with the H1ndu Fund2mentalists in our area.  The vindicates the righteous and surely the wayward will be ultimately destroyed.  I had also read that day about how all the disciples fled and deserted Jesus. Peter had denied him 3 times. His own followers weren’t able to trust and believe in His words. A servant is not greater than His master. All of us will face hardship and persecution. I had been encouraged to trust and obey the Father regarding persecution and accusations, and to stand strong in my faith and what He has called me to. 

Just a few short hours later, it’s like the truth I know and want to follow fled from me and I passed by those little girls in fear. I felt so much like Peter and the disciples when I got home and conviction filled my Spirit. I repented and asked the Lord to help me to be filled with courage and trust the next time I am given the opportunity to show others God’s love. I want to represent him well despite persecution. I want to give God my all, and be willing to die to self and carry my cross as He leads me.

Please join us in praying for courage, trust, and obedience no matter the cost, especially in these current days and times.


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