A Call to Prayer

God has been speaking to me for much time about waking early in the morning, and before even putting my feet on the ground, giving Him my first fruits of time and of the day. He has been speaking to me of offering myself and my day to Him in prayer and starting the day with reading scripture. I notice when I do this the peace, blessing, and ordaining of time my day seems to take on. It’s truly a blessing when we obey God. 

The last few weeks I have been very sick with what my doctor believes is Vertigo. I am so dizzy and then light-headed and faint I can’t seem to stand for long periods of time, and sometimes can’t even sit up in bed. I haven’t been leaving my house or able to do the work I feel called to do. It’s been very frustrating for me. I am unable physically to go about my regular schedule, routine, and work.  My schedule has been all off.  There have been a few days that I haven’t started my day with prayer and reading as I had felt the Lord asking.

It was like I sensed His “Call to Prayer”, but ignored it and used the energy I did have, while I had it, to brush my teeth, or make breakfast, or do household chores that were also calling my name. I found on those days the peace that lingered the days I gave God my first fruits was not the same. His presence was there, but the reward of peace from obedience was lacking those days. I saw my sin in this. I saw my heart’s tendency to put other things first, and DO, rather than BE with my Lord.  I heard, for maybe even the first time, the “call for work and busyness and doing” and realized how I often give into this call, rather than the “Call to Prayer”.  I wondered as I recognized this, how often I give into busyness rather than Jesus when I am feeling well. It seems innocent: “doing for Jesus, working for Him”, and yet what a tragedy to not see the sin of ignoring His “Call to Prayer” and intimacy with Him-- His call to put him first and lay all other things down.

Obedience isn’t usually something you want, it’s something you choose.  Obedience isn’t for God’s benefit; it’s for your benefit.

I am learning this lesson. I am learning what it means to really rest, to really abide, to really wait on the Lord. I am learning to BE with my Lord.  I can’t work or leave my house under these physical conditions, but I am learning the productiveness that comes from being-- the ideas and strategies and plans that are birthed in the resting place of abiding. I am learning the energy, health, and wellness that come out of being that propels the time out of the house forward with intentionality.

As I hear the “Call to Prayer” for the Muslims reverberate out over the mountaintops, I am reminded of my Lord’s call to my spirit to come, abide, and drink from His fountain; to find rest in him; and to be renewed.

This time in bed is not wasted. My first fruits of the morning are essential and this lesson to BE and not be rushed to DO is also essential.


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