
Showing posts from August, 2016

A Call to Prayer

God has been speaking to me for much time about waking early in the morning, and before even putting my feet on the ground, giving Him my first fruits of time and of the day. He has been speaking to me of offering myself and my day to Him in prayer and starting the day with reading scripture. I notice when I do this the peace, blessing, and ordaining of time my day seems to take on. It’s truly a blessing when we obey God.  The last few weeks I have been very sick with what my doctor believes is Vertigo. I am so dizzy and then light-headed and faint I can’t seem to stand for long periods of time, and sometimes can’t even sit up in bed. I haven’t been leaving my house or able to do the work I feel called to do. It’s been very frustrating for me. I am unable physically to go about my regular schedule, routine, and work.   My schedule has been all off.   There have been a few days that I haven’t started my day with prayer and reading as I had felt the Lord asking. It was like I s

The Glory Light in the Midst of Dread

This week has been a hard week. I was physically not feeling well all week. Laying in bed and napping, and being still is not something I do well or enjoy. This week I found myself doing a lot of this. My stomach issues have continued to linger, and on top of this extreme dizziness and the feeling I am going to faint has also come and gone each day.  It surely makes going about my normal active days difficult. It seems there is this similar feeling of gloominess and hardship that is lingering over many around me. It is festival season here and we have to wonder if the Hindu poojas and special sacrifices are having a part in the atmosphere around us. Is it spiritual or is it just part of life? Do we walk through it with JC or do we rebuke it? Having the mind of Chri$t here is so important and living a life lead by Him alone. It determines the outcome of days sometimes. Though I couldn't trek to the village this week and could hardly sit much less stand through chur*ch, I w

Hard Days

The last few months, and if I am honest the last year, have been difficult. My health has been up and down and I have had terrible stomach issues since February. Pain, Nausea, and more. I recently went to Thailand for some health check ups. I was expecting to hear I had a parasite; instead all my reports came back clear. What I wasn’t expecting was for my doctor to tell me, she thought I had skin cancer. She was so sure that before she even did the biopsy she told me I needed to extend my stay and wait in Thailand until the results and treatment could be decided. This is not what I was expecting. Thank God all the results came back benign and I was able to return later than expected, but safely to India.  Since returning to India, my stomach issues have seemingly returned and with it sharp pain, dizziness, and fever. As you can imagine these months of on-going sickness make it hard for me to go about my daily life and work, and especially trekking to the villages. There h