Seeing the Other Side

I had a chance to visit another country where LD work is being done last month.  It was a privilege to get to go and visit.  The rules that require me to leave the country every few months has always seemingly come at just the right time, allowing some time for refreshing and refocus.  While I was there I got the chance to visit some “family” from the States that live there and work there.  This family has truly become like sisters and brothers to me.  While we enjoyed a relaxing quick 4 day weekend, I had the chance to hear their struggles, see their lives, and realize the struggles we face in America, in India, in Europe, and in the Middle East, many of the them are the same.  At the end of the day there is an enemy that is trying to steal and kill and destroy, but at the end of the day there is a King that rules and reigns supreme. There is a hope in the Word He calls us to that remains.  The struggles may look different country to country, but the lies the enemy tries to speak as the same.  The sin and darkness of this world appears vastly different city to city, but in reality sin is sin. Not one city is without its corruption and jaded views.  The lost are very lost, and even those that believe struggle to stay at rest in Truth in the midst of the waves of life.  I think this weekend as I explored another new city, and sat with friends and their friends too, I realized the neediness of this world, and of myself too.  I think sometimes I think it’s just me, or just the place I am in.  I think sometimes I look to other countries or at other people, and I think they have it all together.  Sometimes it takes crossing over and seeing from the other side to notice it’s all of us.  We are all desperate for the Father, every day. We need him. We are needy, but He is the answer. Every day!  I think in seeing the neediness and realizing it for what it is, I also had my eyes opened to the amazing grace and mercy and care the Father gives us all, in every country, in every people group.  Because He knew our neediness He sent His Son, and this gift of life He gives us is truly for every tribe and tongue.  Today, I am thankful for the chance to have seen from the other side again and to have this reminder- we are needy, but he is the answer.


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