Welcomed back in India with an inconvenient but wanted knock at the door

I was blessed with the gift to go "home" to the USA just after the holidays.  I attended a conference where I represented my company and then got to visit with family and friends as well. While I enjoyed my time in the States and every minute with friends and family, I was ready to come back to my beloved India and feeling my time away from here had been too long.  I couldn't stop thinking of all the  people I have been working with, anticipating our next conversations, and praying for more opportunities to share the truth.  The urgency in my heart to return was real.  People need to know the Son. There is work to be done. And my heart loves this country. I was homesick and missing my new home.

I was so joyful today as I safely arrived back home, and hugged my dear neighbors and friends.  For those of you that had heard of safety concerns and were pr*ying, thank you.  All went well.  It was unadventurous and I had no hindrances from the government or immigration. Tonight, I sit cuddled up in my bed with as many layers as I could find, and my heavy yak blanket bundled around me. It's below 25 degrees, and with no central heat and no insulation the wind just blows through the house, but I smile because I am home.

Today was busy. I arrived up the mountain late in the afternoon, and came home to begin packing and prepare to move tomorrow.  I had only a few hours to pack my entire house and be ready to leave the next day.  (I am moving for the 3rd time, and while I can't find much excitement about a 3rd move, I do feel this is the Father's plan for me.)   

As I was "settling" in to unsettle and move again within a few hours, my neighbors came to my door.  I had almost forgotten that inconvenient but wanted knock at the door.  The one that comes when you don't have time, but you know you want to connect with that person and show them love. It's the knock of an Indian with no care in the world, relaxed and ready to talk, while the uptight American has a list of things to be done.  It's the knock I used to hate, but have grown to love so so much.  It was my neighbors' sons, 7 and 9 years old.  Their cute inquiring faces led me immediately outside and together we sat on the stoop in the sun, catching up, shooting the breeze, and just being there in that moment together. It was perfect and delightful, and the best welcome home present.  Their little faces peering in my windows, their hands and face pressed up against the glass throughout the afternoon wondering what I was doing, and without words conveying their excitement to have their "Didi"  or older sister back in town. 

And in that moment the ability to learn to sit, and be still, and be present in the moment reminds me of how one can adapt, and learn a new culture, and make it their HOME.

I am Home.

Please join me in pr*ying for the following:
1. Smooth adjustments with the move tomorrow and settling in AGAIN to a new place.
2. Blessed connections and divine conversations this week as I catch up with many friends.
3. Wisdom/Discernment in conversations.
4. A greater outpouring of the $pirit this year in India.  I believe God wants to do more of the Supernatural here this year, visions, dreams, healing, etc and use it to draw men unto HIM!
5. Upcoming work appointments and planning for the 2016 year.
6. Warmth and health in this cold season without heat.


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