
Showing posts from May, 2015

I Wanna Be the Tweet

Mussoorie has become a comfort zone for me. Traveling outside Mussoorie always reminds me of the grander scheme of God’s plans.   So much greater and bigger than we could ever understand.   Others cities are bigger, louder, more poor, etc. The biggest need in Mussoorie is still the same biggest need as in Delhi or another big city. They need JC. This weekend I traveled with a friend to Delhi to help send her off back to the States. She is moving home for a year and will return. Emotions always run high with this kind of move, and I was thinking how heart broken I would be to be leaving.   This is truly my home and calling. I can’t imagine leaving, and that fact reassures my heart I am in the right place. I love India.   This week also marked 6 months here for me.   Some people say 6 months is a real critical turning point.   Many people tend to hard a hard time at this phase.   Adjusting and learning, but also missing home and just getting frustrated with all the things they stil


Sometimes people make a big deal out of the fact that people move overseas to work. They act like it's such a big deal. Today, I look out over the mountain and all I can think is moving to India isn't a big deal. Living here isn't a big deal. The people lost and dying and without knowledge of the truth- that's a big deal! I look at the vastness of the horizon, the stretching cities and endless skies and mountains, and I think they all need the Father. That is the BIG deal!

Power of Persistence

Funny the title of this post... I have tried to post this 4 times.  POWER OF PERSISTENCE! There are over 20 Unreached People Groups here in India.  Some groups have as many as 77 million people in the group, with not one known believer. These unreached people groups are mostly located in the North of India. There are 46 children born every second here, India holds 1/6 of the world's population. They are at our fingertips here.  This region I live in is known as the Garhwali area, it is part of the state of Utterkhand. It is known for being one of the most restricted areas for the Gos*el. While the city I live in has party houses and a number of believers, we are encompassed by those who still have never heard. Just 20 kilometers away we have villages who have never heard about Je$u$. Twenty KM here is a far distance with the trails and unpaved roads that only go so far into the jungle and mountains; the rest must be walked by foot. Trekking high places with steep inclin

Beautiful Sacrifices

My internet very rarely works, and when it does we tend to rush to the computer to get reports taken care of, catch up on emails, call family etc. Sometimes my team mates will even wake up early in the middle of the night to try to get wifi fast enough to complete needed work. Working wifi and cell reception here in the Himalayas is truly a gift when it comes. Sunday I was talking with a friend, a friend I have tried weeks and months to connect with. We finally had a call that was not dropped and even FaceTime was a clear signal.   We were on the phone no more than 2 minutes, when my neighbor came and stood in my window. (Yes, stood in the open window just staring in, waiting for me to notice her. This is common here, people staring in your windows.) I have asked my neighbor to come visit many times.   Today was finally the day. Today, the same time I was also talking with my friend. I knew what was needed. I said goodbye to my friend, opened my door, and called “Aiye” which


Each day lately, I have tutoring in the morning. I sit at a small outdoor shop near the watering pump and have class under an overhang. The shop keeper offers his "pooja", or morning sacrifice to his g*ds each day as I sit and try to study with my teacher. Each day I can't help, but stop and pr*y, rebuke the enemy and declare life and truth over Mr. Anil. I am thankful for a tutor that also knows the Father and stops with me and understands the need to pr*. I am reminded that each item in the mans' shop, the food I eat, the room I am in, is offered to his g*d. SO I am reminded of the need to pr* over my food, the food I buy in the market, and to cleanse myself of the things associated with the place I live. Dad is bigger than the forces are real. Intercession is a must here. I must be connected- aligned with Dad; in sync to hear and see and know; and to be able to hear that "still small voice" and lines of truth that He offers me to defeat the enemy