Home for the Holidays

This past Sunday the churches within our area collaborated for a group Christmas service. It was amazing to see so many followers come together to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Since starting our own house church 2 years ago, I have had little contact with the children I used to counsel and disciple at the children’s home that was connected to our old church. This Sunday I had the joy to see many of them again. Some of them have moved to different cities for college and high school, but even they were home for winter break and the holidays. It was such a joy to see how they have grown and to catch up with them. 

My heart melted at the idea of them coming “home”, having a place to call “home”, and people who love them dearly. To watch the joy in a child’s eyes and to see them respond to your love knowing they are truly loved by you is a beautiful thing. The change in their lives and their knowledge of being accepted and loved is a visible difference from when these boys first entered the boys’ orphanage. 

I know Jesus feels the same way about them too; He has deep, deep love for them. He feels it for them, and for me, and you too. And what a joy it will be when we all come together in eternity and are “home” with the One who loves us so. 


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