
Showing posts from October, 2018

A Deep Conviction

(Photo credit: Google) Yesterday we drove past a huddle of three little street girls crouching down on the side of the road around a pile of collected trash. We live just past an area that is known for trash pickers and what we would consider as Westerners in America to be homeless families. As I looked closer, I realized these little girls were eating any of the remains they could find hidden within the wrappers of someone else’s trash. I thought I should stop and take them to get something proper to eat. Isn’t that what Christ would do? Fearful of being accused to be a Mi$$ion.@ry in the sight of anyone who saw me help these girls, I kept on driving past them. Later a deep conviction welled up in my heart.  Just that morning I had read in my devotion time about how faithful our God is. It’s all throughout scripture. I had been reflecting on His ability to defend me in the face of the hardship and trials currently happening with the H1ndu Fund2mentalists in our area.  Th