
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Nails of Life

So it seems I write when my heart is grieved, heavy, or troubled. It’s not often I write when life is at it’s joyous heights. As I look back over the blogs of the last few months, most share the “nails of   life”. The hardships either I or those I care about are facing. And isn’t it true? It is in suffering that we grow and learn and find more of Jesus. It is the molding mechanism through which I see Christ more and am shaped into His likeness. The last 3 months have contained the grief of the loss of our little one from our own miscarriage in July; the angst of a family in the midst of divorce and ugly lies; the grief of sweet friends in the loss of their unborn baby lost at 5 months; and the restlessness of my spirit as I was confined to bed-rest with complications in our new pregnancy. Bittersweet was the taste I felt each day, grateful I was breathing and my baby was still alive each day. Bitter at the events and circumstances around me. In a profound moment a few wee