
Showing posts from September, 2016

Undoing for His Glory

I haven't updated in about a month and I am not even sure where to begin. After weeks in bed and struggling physically; a six day hospital stay; and a transition to medical leave and coming to the States, I feel my whole life has been a bit undone. This isn't what I expected to happen. I expected to feel better, be back on my feet and be running, trekking back to the villages, and visiting my families I invest in each week.  I didn't expect this diagnosis of POTS. I didn't expect my doctor to tell me some people live their whole lives with these symptoms. I didn't expect this.  This medical leave isn't something I wanted or asked for. People keep asking me how I am "enjoying" America. I have resented that question. I can't leave my bed some days. I can hardly sit up or walk most days. My symptoms come in waves that at times leave me breathless and speechless and deeply frustrated. Everything I love to do I haven't been able to do. I l