
Showing posts from September, 2015

New Requests: "Danger in the Land"

1. We have a national team traveling to share the truth this week to a village where they once traveled before.  In the past some of the group was held in chains and threatened that if the group returned they would be cut into pieces.  Because this group is sold out for the ONE, they are are going back again this week.  When the storm comes, the SON quiets it.  We are asking for peaceful "weather" and open doors as they go. 2. A man "M" is in prison this week after sharing the truth in a nearby village. He is in need of our thoughts that he might be released and with no harm to his body, spirit, soul, or mind. Currently, there is a dispute over false alligations.

Can You Hear the Lion’s Roar?

This weekend, my team was having a meeting on intercessor and warfare. The women leading said, the Father works differently in each city, and we need to be seeking Him for what He is doing and specifics for each different city. As she said this I heard The Father speak to my heart, “I am a roaring lion.”   Interestingly, that morning in quiet time Dad had reminded me that the enemy prowls around like a lion. As I heard Dad say He is the roaring lion, I looked up and saw a DVD case for Lion King. Dad is so funny! I was then how the lions made the way to the top of the mountain in the movie, to make the son king. (This imagery of a lion making his way to the top go a mountain has been repeated over and over in my pr8 time in the past and always represents Dad's sovereignty). In that moment, it was like Dad was speaking on so many levels. I live at the top of one of the highest mountain peaks here in India! Dad is making His way to the top and is roaring, calling our att

Lessons from “Highway” 307

I went to a village a few hours outside the city I work in. I had been invited to come speak about the effects of drugs and alcohol on families. As we drove the only road there is to get to the village, “Highway 307”, the Father flooded my mind with illustrations and led me to see things with His eyes and begin to pray. There is only one way to the village we were headed to. We were on what was called a “highway”, but there was not even pavement at times.   Yet there is no other way to reach this village. The same is true of humanity’s search for salvation and freedom and healing. There is only ONE way.   It is difficult and lengthy and not always a smooth journey.   As we traveled we often were simply driving in a desert trying to follow the tire marks of the one before us, there was no “edge”, no “side”, no road to follow. Sometimes the same is true of our walk with Dad, we attempt to follow the example of those who have gone before us.   We attempt to follow the example