
Showing posts from March, 2015

“That One”

My heart has heard you say come, and I am coming . Higher, deeper, I see myself climbing the tree of life. I see Him- high and lifted up. Father, you have great plans. Plans to prosper me and not to harm me. Plans for a higher perspective where I can SEE, and SEE clearly.   From up here, I can see as you see, The vastness, the greatness, the beauty, the lost, the broken, the hurting, the places that still need someone to go… I can see. My heart aches with you father.   I see it… I see those you call me to, The villages, the people, the women, the children, the shop keepers, The ones that still have not heard.   I see… Father, from this perspective, I ask you, “And what am I to do?’ He says clearly as he point, “that one”. Go talk to that one. One at a time, Day by day, As I lead and point out, “that one”- go! If everyone I called “that one” to would go and speak and share The work would be done quicker.   Ask that others would hea

A Dilemma Over Shoes

The cultural adjustment continues as I learn to navigate the road of requests and needs presented to me daily. I have never had anyone ask me for shoes before until coming to India. Even the poor in American have decent shoes most of the time.  Here, weekly I am presented with the dilemma of children and workers asking me for shoes. My heart throbs as they ask.  I want to give each one new shoes. I see their need even when they don’t ask.  I see their bare feet in the cold 30 degree weather. I see their toes peeking out of the holes in their shoes. My heart throbs and I cry out, “Father, I don’t know what to do? I can’t afford shoes for each person that comes to my door. If I give to one boy, what about the other 5 boys   that he walks with each day?   What about his family back home who also need shoes. What about the village he returns to.   What should I do?” I am reminded of the verses the big book has to say about giving.   It is better to give than to receive; to treat