And so we pray…

Today, I woke before the sun to the sound of prayers being lifted up at the Hindu temple at the top of the hill. I was reminded of a friend, Amreeta, who when I visited her woke up at 3:30am everyday to prayer to “her God” before they prayed to “their god”.  I was reminded of the need for prayer.  I was stirred and sleepless and I too began to pray.  I decided to dress and leave the guesthouse and try to capture the poignant sounds on audio, but as I went to leave I found I was barred and locked in.  I was reminded of the wild monkeys and leopards, and the need for locked doors. I waited in the stillness of the night.  Through the barred gate, I gazed out over the mountain and saw thousands, millions of twinkling lights of the cities down below. The electricity is so inconsistent here; I think it makes the lights twinkle even more. I was reminded of the millions that have not yet heard, that don’t know.

There is a darkness here that needs light.

I was reminded that just going up to someone and sharing the truth is not how it works.  Just telling someone about the Son is not how it works.  There is a relationship that is needed, there are spiritual, emotional, physical, and even language barriers to be broken down, and there is need for prayer.  If I met someone for the first time and told them to trust my earthly Dad with all their money because he was a trustworthy man, they might want to believe me, but they would not just hand over their money to him.  How can I expect a people I have just met, to hear about the heavenly Father and just turn over all their lives to him.  This is not how it works.  I must build relationships with the people here.  India is built on trust.  As they come to trust me, they will come to value what I have to say.  As they see me live out my trust in the Father, they will come to know He is trustworthy.  As I see the barriers, I, through the Spirit’s power can speak to those, pray over those, and apply the blood of the Son to those. 

And so as I stand behind bared doors, I am reminded it takes time. This is a closed country.

And so we pray…


  1. My Heavenly Father has blessed me exceedingly when He placed you in my life. I love you my dear Sister


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