
Showing posts from August, 2014

When You Have Tasted and Seen, It Changes Everything

Today, as I sit and reflect on the safety & survival training I had the past few weeks. I am flooded with emotions. One moment I am fine, listening to music and eating my breakfast as normal. In another moment, I am angered by other’s ignorance and complaints at normal daily life. “If you only knew what others have to go through for the sake of the gospel…what others have to do just to stay alive, you would never speak the complaints your tongue has just uttered.”   I think it, but I don’t say it aloud. In another moment, I see my shoe rack and am excited to be back to my normal life and have my favorite shoes to wear. In the next moment, I am disgusted that I would even think such a thought.   I realize my time in “captivity” was very short lived and nothing in comparison to those that have endured the real thing. How prideful, how ignorant, how selfish we can be as Americans. I realize that when you have tasted and seen another way, it changes everything. It reminds